Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Cup Runneth Over....
I am not sure how I got so lucky. He is amazing. He is always there for me and I am so grateful that I have him in my life.
Chase and Mac went back to Kidstop today. They haven't been this whole summer. It has worked out where Sheldon has been able to pretty much take care of them everyday. I think Mac was glad to be back. She is such a social bug, and likes to be in the middle of as much as possible. Chase, he would never admit it, but I am sure he was somewhat happy to be there as well.
Shortly after I picked them up today, Sheldon called to say hi. Chase wanted to talk to him, so I handed the phone over. Chase immediatly starting telling Sheldon how much he missed him today. After he hung the phone up, I could tell he was thinking about something. Soon after, he looks at me and says, "Hey Mom, I missed you today too, but I have just been with Dad so much this summer, it was just different not being with him, but I missed you too..."
That child, he is so considerate of everyone else's feelings. I had not even thought twice about his comments to his daddy. Mac actually told me she missed me today, but she also said she missed the dog...same right?
Those sweet children of mine...they are playing the friggin who will smile first, and who ever does is the one that just passed gas, or as they so nicely put it, who just farted in my room. Could I have ever imagined that one day, I would be sitting here with my two sweet perfect babies, all grown up and freaking arguing over who just expelled this fog in my room! Perfect!
My life is complete, my cup runneth over, what more could a girl want.....
Monday, July 28, 2008
In our party was Me, Chase, Mackenzie, Jennie, our close friend, Jane, my sister in law, and my niece Callie. I really had wondered if Chase would follow through with his bravery once we arrived, but then realized that "his" Jennie was going with us, and he would jump off a high building just to impress her, so my doubts were soon proven to be wrong.
I was not sure the line up for going up. I wanted to go with both of my kids, but knew that we would have to split up. Chase spoke up and wanted to go with me, and Mackenzie was hanging all over Jennie. It was unclear who would go up with Callie, since Jane was simply there for the ride and scenery.
Chase and I went up first. I never knew how this all worked out, so let me explain. You first get your life jacket on and then they hook this harness to you. It sort of felt like a diaper, I am not sure why. Once we were out in the sound and it was time to "go up" we went to the back of the boat. We were hooked on these straps. Once the wind was strong enough it sent the parachute sailing through the air, and we were attached.
This was the adrenaline part of the trip. Once up in the air, we just floated up there....which was pretty awesome....for the first 5 minutes, then we were just up there. I guess I am an adrenaline junkie, so I was really looking for more. I probably set my expectations a little high. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time. It was really beautiful and to be able to do this with my kids was a great experience in itself.
I knew that I was only going up with one of my children, and was happy that they chose and I did not have to. In the end it was probably really great that I went with Chase and Mac went with Jennie.
While up in the air, many feet away from civilization, my dear son just says out of the blue, "Mommy, I love you so much." It was so priceless, and it made the parasailing even more special. I will always remember that tender moment.
While Mac is in the air with Jennie, after only a few minutes up, she tells Jennie, "Okay, I am bored." It is probably perfect that I was not up with her. I might would have screamed! But thinking about it later, she too is my adrenaline loving child and was quite pissed off because she could not ride in "upside down" roller coasters at Carowinds last year, I should not be surprised that she felt this way.
Next Callie and Chase went up. They seemed to enjoy themselves, smiling the entire time. I know that as they get older they will remember this adventure.
Jane enjoyed her boat ride, watching each of us fly up in the air. She was perfectly content to just ride and watch.
We took lots of pictures, I mean lots, the only problem is, most of them look exactly the same! I bet we have over 100 pictures, and only about 10-15 that you can actually tell who is actually parasailing. Oh well....thank God for digital!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Seriously? Just Pee Over There....
The first thing I witnessed was this Mom who apparently had a child that was pouty. I have one of those sometimes, so I can certainly understand that it can be trying. Apparently this Mom had a "different" way of dealing with her pouty child. Every time this little girl, maybe about 7-8 years old, became pouty, the mom whipped her camera out and started taking multiple pictures, while saying loud enough for the rest of us to hear, "Oh, let me take more pictures of you at the beach crying. I cannot wait til the first day of school, I am taking all these pictures in to show everyone in your class how much of a baby you are."
I took 583 pictures, no exaggeration, at the beach this year. I looked through all of them once again, I do not have one single picture of anyone pouting. I try to avoid those pictures, as I want my kids to look back at these pictures all through the year and remember how much fun we had. I cannot imagine this child being excited about her beach pictures.
Another thing that I witnessed this week was this young girl, maybe about 9 years old, who had a serious wardrobe malfunction. She might as well just left her top in the room, as she continuously flashed everyone. Her mother was in the pool with her, playing with her, riding the slide with her, and never once fixed it. I was about to go over and fix it myself. It was driving me crazy.
Then, as my family was lying out at the pool, just enjoying ourselves, Jane overhears a conversation that is taking place a few feet away from us. It is a conversation between a mom and her daughter, about 8 years old.
Little Girl: Mom, I have to pee.
Mom: Okay, go over to those bathrooms over there.
Little Girl: NOOOO, they stink.
Mom: They stink?
Little Girl: Yes
Mom: Then just pee over there.
Little Girl: (takes about three steps away from where she was, and yes...she peed)
Right there, right in front of the 50 or so people enjoying the pool. Just took a few steps away and let it rip, right on the cement.
I know this is going to be hard to believe but the Mom and Little Girl were the same family as the photogenic whiny girl.
Sometimes, I feel like my parenting skills are awesome!
Freaking Dunkin Donut Munchkins
Early in the week I enjoyed my yoga out on the beach then decided that since everyone else was sleeping, I should just run out and pick up some breakfast and coffee. (Even though I hate coffee, I have learned quickly that other really NEED this such drink in their lives, and without it, we all pay!)
I will have two chocolate frosted donuts, one strawberry, one toasted coconut....and ohhhh, you have munckins....I will have an assortment of those too. 50 is only a little more than the box of 25, well okay, just give me 50. (Rationalization 101: There are 6 of us, 50 divided by 6, ummmm....well it is less than 9 each, that isn't many!)
I found my hand kept finding its way back into this box all afternoon. I was becoming some sort of donut addict. But with my great Rationalization 101 skills, they are pretty small, so they could not be too fattening. There is no way you could pack many calories in a small round ball of donut. Just no way possible.
And...since there were not any calories, (in my head anyway) I decided that I was perfectly justified to eat as many as I wanted. And I did. We went back to the Dunkin Donuts about 3 more times over the week. Every time we went I would buy a box of 50, and Jane would buy a box of 50. I suck in math, but....if I figure correctly, that would be over 350 stupid donut holes that vacationed with us. I have decided not to think about the fact that only Jane and I liked the jelly filled, and no one but myself really liked the powder sugar ones. Refuse to think about it and you cannot make me. Nope. And, because in my head, I can think whatever I want, I am quite certain in fact, that the 4 pounds I put on, or that my scales has said, but I am not a huge fan of those scales either, they have a lying problem, I surely believe that they are going straight to Hell when they die. Stupid Lying Scales. Anyway, I believe the four pounds is simply the tan I got. Yeah, you did not know, a suntan has weight. Where were you in Tanning 101 class?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Future Stories
- -Just Cause they Make It in Your Size, Doesn't Mean You Sould Wear it...
- -Seriously, just Pee over there....
- -Parasailing
- -photo session.....ever heard of sand crabs?
- -the lady of the yoga store
- -Freaking Dunkin Dounuts Munchkins.
This is the beginning of the entries I am writing in my head....
I will have to continue tomorrow night, when you backstroke to correct more thatn typing froward, it is bad.
We Are Home
We had a very uneventful ride home, which was nice. I actually drove. Half way through we stopped and Sheldon and Mac changed places. This was quite interesting. Sheldon is a much calmer and self sufficient co-pilot. Mac was busy with the radio, asking me many questions, shuffling around in her seat, asking a few more questions, then finally falling off to sleep about 30 minutes away from home.
We had supper with Jackie and her family tonight. I was more than grateful when she texted me to see if we wanted to come have sketti at their house, since, one, I had no food in the frig, and two, I really was not in the mood to cook or eat out at a restaurant. I love Jackie. And our family's really work well together. Often times Sheldon or I may have had friends but the spouses may have not really fit, that is not really the case with Jackie and Ben.
I have many more stories that I really want to document about our trip, but I am a bit worn out from our vacation, and I am snug in MY bed, which might be the only thing I am glad about as far as being home. We had such a great time, I really did not want to come home.
I think the kids were ready to come home. Chase really missed Lucky, our family dog, that is a toy poodle. Lucky is Chase's side kick. He is really attached to him, a week is a long time to be away from that kind of companionship. We had boarded Lucky, but thanks to Granddaddy, Lucky was at home waiting for our arrival. He was so precious laying all over Chase when Chase sat down. He looked pretty sad when we left again, this time for only dinner, but I am sure he was really bummed that we came in, stayed a short while, then headed off again.
I just went by Chase's room and he and Lucky are all snuggled up, both sound asleep. It just doesn't get much cuter than that.
Tomorrow I get to unpack all this s***. Oh joy. I hate unpacking...with a passion.
Good night for now, stay tuned, I promise the beach stories are coming, I promise.
Friday, July 25, 2008
***Sigh*** It is Friday!
I went to the Fair Market/Yoga store this morning. I bought MYSELF, no one else, just me a few pieces of bead jewelry. And I bought a Global Mama, which is a good luck charm. She is pretty cute.
I think we are headed to the beach for a couple of hours this morning, then we will go to the pool. We will probably go out to dinner tonight, we have done really good eating in this week, but we will splurge and eat out tonight!
I am so sleepy, ideally it would be nice to go lay my the pool or ocean and take me a little nap, however, I just do not see that happening. Those little urchins that I birthed will probably have 1 million comments/questions for me. Oh well...I wills sleep another day.
Still to come, my take on how everyone should have to go through a "What Type of Bathing Suit Suits Me Class." Just wait for that one....
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yes Cathy, I Did Like Him....I Hope To See Him Again!

The Day Before the Day Before We Go Home
Sheldon had not felt well the day before, so I translated that to he was just bored and not having fun, which I guess was not really the case. The kids were being, well, kids and I took that as they were being whiny butt brats and they were ungrateful little shits. But, Sheldon came to the corner that I had started rocking back and forth in last night and coaxed me out, then explained that everyone was having fun and I needed to just relax. (Okay, so I wasn't really in a corner, but that is only because I could not find one that did not have crap strewn everywhere.)
Yesterday morning we ate our breakfast at Dunkin Donuts....yum yum. For some reason it seems okay to eat 23 munchkins, but guilty if you eat 2 regular donuts. Go figure. Then we hit all the cheesy gift shops. We were on a mission to find those stinking hair wrap thingys, kind of like you see on people who take trips to the Bahamas. It is basically embroidery floss wrapped around a small braid. We had no luck but I did find a website last night that explained how to do them yourself, so guess I will be trying that this afternoon. Yeah me.
Chase and I had this little tift yesterday, but we got that all resolved so life is better there.
I was about to get into our parasailing trip, but the us girls just decided to hit the Dollar Tree....I must run. I promise to fill you in a little later. I promise.
And....I have a date tonight. Me and Sheldon get to go out on a date. Jane is keeping the children and we are going out...HOORAY!
So, I will update more later, and just wait til I tell you all about the women here and their choice of bathing suits....whew!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I am pretty exhausted, so I will save the story for tomorrow, but I wanted to at least log on and tell my friends that I am alive...before Cathy came and claimed my bling bling rainbows!!! And after the windy trip in the air, way way high in the sky, I really need my hair products....really bad....
So, night night for now, watch out for the bed bugs...
I Hereby Bequeath to my New Friends....
What would have possessed me to do this???? Too late to back out now, they have my credit card and if you don't give them like a six hours cancellation notice, they will still charge you...screwed, I am screwed.
so in roughly 2.5 hours, I will be on a boat with my two children, my sister in law, Jane, my niece, Callie, and a very close family friend, Jennie, awaiting our "flight".
We will be going in pairs. Jane plans to just ride the boat, but not actually parasail. So, know what that means? We are short one person for everyone to have a partner. Know what that means? One of the adults will have to go up twice. How come I think that someone will be me? Cause it probably will be!
I feel this is completely safe, as we have seen many many people doing this over the past few days. I am confident, okay, a little confident that I will live through this experience. But just in case....
I do not want a church funeral, I want a graveside. I do not want music played. Please have the preacher read my favorite verses from Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes 3 Verses 1-9. And if you could, please send my on to my next journey with a can Pepsi in my hand. I might need it. Oh, and want to be buried in yoga clothes, I need to be comfortable.
I would also just like to leave a few of my most prized possessions to a few of my friends...
Jenn-I leave you my bling bling ring you gave me. I have carried it in my purse everyday and even put it on during my work day for a few moments just to feel as special as I did when you gave it to me.
Di-I leave you all my hair products, cause you do have the best hair ever. I love how you express yourself so proudly.
Julie-I leave you my craft project box. May you have actual initiative to use it. Enjoy my googly eye collection, I really cherish them, as they make me giggle.
Gretchen-You my dear, you get my yoga books. Anyone that can put their feet behind their head and is not doing yoga has missed out. I also have this one that is couple yoga...what fun...but hey, I know we spooned and all, but don't think about me as you and your DH enjoy the couple yoga book, k?
Jackie-I leave to you all my photo albums that are plagued with pictures of our two beautiful girls. I also leave to you my wireless Internet card!
Cathy-You know it girl, you get my bling bling rainbows, and the rest of my shoes. I don't have yellow, but I have red, pink, blue, brown, black and white. And could you explain to my husband that they do not all look the same, they are all specific for certain outfits. Maybe he will listen to you!
Helen-I leave to you all of refrigerator magnets. Some are gawdy, but some are pretty cool and I think they would look marvelous on your new frig! Hey, take that bottle of wine in the bottom drawer too! Enjoy!
Michelle #1-I am leave to you my Prozac pills, anyone with four little boys, they deserve Prozac, and lots of it. You can have my ambien too, once you take it, you too can go to my happy place!!!!
Rachel-I am leaving you first dibs on my house, my husband has hated it there for sometime, even though I love it, so my guess is he will have a for sale sign up quickly. Since our house will be paid for in the event one of dies, he will sell it to you for $1.00. Then you can live "close" to Chapel Hill, about 40 minutes or so. And you will be 10 minutes from Jackie and her cake balls.
Jamie-I leave you with my GPS system. Mine is named "Dammit Bee-atch" cause she says make the next legal u turn often, and it drives me insane, feel free to change her name if you wish! I am just thinking perhaps when Caroline needs a vacation, Dammit Bee-atch could step in!
Colleen-I leave you my collection of gift cards to various restaurants. You so deserve a night out, also, I would like to send your sweet baby boy to the nicest playground ever, I want him to have much more fun than hanging out in the pediatric hospital. I also want to leave your husband the "Best Hubby" award for letting you come out and play with us while you had a sick child at home.
Sara-I leave you with my J.Crew credit card, I put a $5000 credit on it, buy only flip flops. Every color, every pattern, heck, have them make you custom ones that only you will have. Purchase some for your friends if you wish, share the happiness!
Hopefully all of this will just be useless knowledge you will have, and I will be right back here blogging away, boring all of you some more, probably having a drink, but alive nonetheless!
I love you all sooooooo back later....... I hope........
Monday, July 21, 2008
Professional Snorkel-ist, we are not....
We looked very silly too. I did not take any pictures...dang it. We did not even pull out the waterproof camera. No need.
We ate our picnic lunch, Kenz was in a poor mood cause I packed her a Nacho Lunchable and not a ham she pouted, and pouted. The rest of us enjoyed our banana and sand sandwiches and chips.
We enjoyed the secluded beach area we had went to. There were other people there, but they were far, far away from us. It was like we were having our own party.
I could not help but laughing at Aunt Jane as she freaked out a couple of times and looked like she was having some sort of spastic attack trying to get back on her feet while wearing the fins.
Mac hated it, she was not into the tripping over her own feet kind of thing, she could not get the breathing down, and I could not seem to get the patience to show her down, so we were not a great team.
We had fun, which was all that mattered. We might try again later in the week....if I don't lock these kids in the room that is. It has been raining this afternoon for about the last hour, and Chase has asked one bajillion times if it has stopped and could we go to the ocean...I am about to snap....breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep cleansing breath!!!!!
Day Three...The Natives are Restless
I had a very relaxing evening last night, as I sat on the balcony for HOURS writing my own blogs, then reading others. Sheldon watched tv back in our bedroom while the kids and Jane played badmitton on the courtyard.
I woke this morning, even earlier today than yesterday, something after 5, so by 6am I was on the beach with my yoga mat and my thoughts. I had a very good session, a great meditation, then I promplty rolled my mat, came back in our room, got my car keys and snuck out. I drove straight to the Dunkin Donuts and bought 50 muchkins, and a Box O' Joe. Oh well...relaxed and fat...whatever.
We are heading out soon to go snorkel. Chase, Sheldon, Callie and myself, snorkled last year through the aquirium here. This year we decided to go out on our own. Wonder how much water we will suck down...ha ha!
We are packing, (we, meaning Jane is) our picnic lunch as I sit on my rump and type. We, (meaning the kids) are packing the towels and yelling to each other to not forget the underwater exciting! We, meaning Callie, is spraying the kids with sunscreen and they are dancing around cause it is cold and they are yelping...
AND OMG...Mac lost a tooth last night and the tooth fairy did not stop here....bad tooth fairy. I believe that she just did not know to come to the beach, so here shortly I will be making a call to my bestest buddy from home and have her contact the tooth fairy with our location. Maybe the Tooth Fairy can make an emergency stop while we are snorkeling.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Relaxing Sunday Afternoon
On Vacation!!!
By this time the kids were EXTREMELY TIRED, AND WHINY, at least Mac was. I ended my day sitting here reading Helen's blog, laughing hysterically.
My poor husband has heard so many times how much I am excited that I have all these new friends. I think it is pretty cool that there are people all over the United States, Canada, and even England that possible thinks about me each day. I know I think about every single person I met in Boston and I am so thankful that I had that opportunity.
Hopefully the next few days will be sunny. We are planning to snorkel tomorrow and on Tuesday we are all going Parasailing. I am so excited. I will be interested to see if the kids go through with it. I think Kenz will, Chase will probably go but he will be very hesitate.
Thanks to Jackie sharing the simple recipe of Jello Shots, I have some "brewing" in the frig....Yummy.
I am off to the pool, hoping for a little sun tan. The kids are bout to drive us crazy to get to the pool. Eager beavers.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tonight, I Am Thankful For:
-My husband and all of his hard work in our yard this week!
-Clean Laundry
-My desk at work is visable, it is grey...imagine that. I have about caught up on everything so that when I go on vacation next week...maybe it will float.
-My computer pals, can't wait to stay in contact while I am at the beach next week.
-My kids, they are so dang cute!
-I have a house to live in, healthy kids, wonderful husband, my D2 loves me dearly, my broher loves me dearly, my dad loves me dearly, my neice loves me dearly and she thinks I rock! Thats big.
....Lastly, tonight, I am thankful for Ambien, the good ole sleep medication that will allow me to sleep, and not obsess over how it is less than 30 hours before I leave for the beach and I have nothing ready, it will not allow me to feel guilty about Sheldon having to do so much work on his own this week, it will not allow me to obsess over everything that I want to be sure is done and covered for the week I will be gone, I will soon sleep and not wonder how I have became such close friends with so many wonderful women, and worry about when they will discover that I am a fruit loop. I will sleep soon, and not worry about how cute the kids are and how they use that to get everything they want, and soon, the worrying about the messy house that we live in, and how my D2, brother, neice, dad, and everyone else perceives me as a mom and housewife from the looks of my house....all of that will just be drool on my a f.....e......w m....i.....n....u....t....e...s
I love Ambien!
Childhood....Great? or Go Ahead and Set Up the Therapy Fund
As a child we did not have a lot of money. There were many times that we would go to the store and my Mom would tell my brother and I no when we asked for something as small as a candy bar. We received clothes and gifts on our Birthdays, at Christmas and there was always the back to school shopping for new clothes. This was the only time we got things. Do I have bad childhood memories because of this, no, not at all. In fact, I certainly can appreciate my Mother more and all the hard work that it must have been to raise us as a single parent.
Then, if I feel this way, why do I feel like every time the kids ask me for something that I should buy it or they will remember me not getting it for their entire lives? Like they will be the ONLY kids out there without the newest version of a particular video game. How come they can flash those pitiful eyes at me and I melt? Am I creating complete monster children that will grow up to be complete monster adults? Is it fair to justify my purchases for them because they are honestly really good kids, they work hard at school. If I want something I buy it for myself, (within reason of course), so why should I not buy for them?
Growing up my house was always clean. So, did my mother set me up for anxiety over a clean house? I cannot keep a straight tidy house. It is not in my bones. I try, but I fail. We always had clean laundry in our drawers, am I setting my kids up for some bad childhood memories when they grow up and think back to having to dig through laundry baskets for a clean pair of underwear???? Or perhaps, wishful thinking here, they will be so done with living out of laundry baskets they will be obsessive to keeping their laundry caught up! Hopefully.
I never remember my mom coming home and being grouchy from a bad day at work. Surely she had to of....right? Are my kids going to grow up and remember horror stories of me coming home being grouchy and snapping at everyone? Will the happy times I spend with them, over rule the grouchy times?
Of course if I ask the kids, well, Mac will tell it like it is, which is why I choose not to ask, she might just hurt my feelings, but Chase will tell me exactly what he thinks I would want to hear, but if I could get into their heads, would they be excited about their childhood, or would they be so disappointed and feel like orphans cause we made them eat at home last night instead of Bojangles???? I guess I will never know, but I hope they are building fantastic memories everyday, memories that will make them smile as they are driving into work one day, or sitting at their desk, or as they watch their own children and they wonder if they are upholding the extremely big title of the "Memory Creator."
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
OMG---I Swear, We Are Still Here...
The kids are-no were winding down. Swim season ended this past weekend, but as soon as I think things are ending, my friend talks me into letting Mac go to dance camp every afternoon this week. But...she loves it and selfishly, I do to, cause I will get to see my friend each afternoon when I pick her up. Last night, after a HORRIBLE day, Sheldon picked Mac up, and when he arrived home, he delivered me a glorious piece of Chocolate cake with white icing and red yummy cherries that my friend had sent to me. I almost cried, even though I knew she was sending it, just because it was another reminder to me that she is a wonderful friend that knew I had a horrible day, and she knew by sending me a little piece of cake, I would enjoy a few minutes, okay less than one, but I would enjoy each bite and my day would look a little brighter. It worked. I mean, really, chocolate cake for dinner makes everyone smile, right?
So Swim Champs was this weekend. The kids did really well. Mac swam on Friday night. For those who might not know, Mac hates swimming. She begs not to do swim team every year, but I make her. Why? Well, it cost all of $65.00 to join. The practices are from the end of May through the first part of July. Not a very long season at all. Practice is everyday, however. (Not that we went but that is my next story). So, the way I see it, if I have to be there waiting for practice to be over, I should have a little me time, time for me to reflect, time to read a book, time to not do anything, and if she is not swimming, well, then the time I sit changes to occupying her, telling her that I know she is hot, I am sorry, having her interrupting my quiet time with off the wall stories....anyway...that is why she swims. Also, she gets great instruction that she would never get without swim team.
So....anyway, we have Champ Friday night. My "I hate swimming" child wins first place in her Freestyle heat and her Breast Stroke heat. I am so proud I am about to burst. She acts as if it is no big deal, later I realized that she probably did that on purpose, cause if we know she is good at it, she will be made to do it more...
Saturday, our natural born swimmer, the child that loves to swim every day, swims his champs. He does very well. He swims in the later heats now, which means that his times are shorter so his competition is really tough. He received 20th place in his freestyle which is really awesome. There are a lot of kids swimming in his division. I think 84.
This swim season was a little tough on us this year. There were a couple of issues that I won't bore you with,but never the less, we did not participate as much this year as we have in years past. We did not stay of any of the potluck dinners that was after home meets, we did not do the big Spaghetti Dinner the night before Champs, we did not even go to many practices. We used the fact that Chase had swam all year long as a good enough excuse that he would swim decent at the meets, and Mac did not want to be there screw it.
Before going to the banquet on Saturday night, I decided that I should be motherly and protect my young from hurt. See, I was afraid that after the season we had had that the kids would not be recognized very much. So....we go into the banquet, have a decent dinner, and then it is time for trophies and awards.
There is a tradition for Paper Plate Awards, which is an award that the coach makes special for each team member. Mac's plate says "Pretty in Pink" because her coach says she always wears pink...I haven't noticed, bad Mom that I am. Chase gets the "Strong Man" award, his has a muscle man drawn on it. Pretty cute.
They both get their trophies for the season. Then comes the special awards. Mackenzie gets the MVP award, which is a very nice plaque. Then Chase gets the Coach's Award from his coach. His coach talked about how he was such a pleasure and how he wanted to do so well, he had even stayed late one afternoon to practice his was a very proud moment for us.
We get to our car and Sheldon starts to laugh and tells the kids he had faith in them the entire time, it was their mommy that did not think they did well. I wanted to hit him up side his handsome head!!!! Thankfully the kids laughed!