Saturday, May 30, 2009
Busy Time of the Year
Life is getting busy here at the Perkins' house. The end of the school year is very busy it seems. I will personally be really glad when school is out. We, well, the kids, had end of grade testing last week, which I think is the most stupidest thing out there, but I will spare you the extreme details of my hatred toward the test.
After end of grade testing, Mackenzie jumped right into dance company auditions. These were pretty stressful for her...and me. Thankfully they are over too. It will be after recital before she knows anything. UGGG.
Speaking of recital that brings me to next week. Wednesday night Mac has dress rehearsal. On Sunday afternoon she has the recital. I am, and she is looking forward to this performance. Sheldon is pretending to be excited, as much as he hates it, he is very supportive of Mac and her dancing. As for Chase, we will drag him there kicking and screaming the whole way.
Saturday is going to be a real busy day. Chase has a swim meet in the morning then that afternoon/evening, he is having his party for his birthday, which is Thursday.
The week after this one will be a little better. They will both have field days, class parties, award ceremonies, then at last, the last day of school. I cannot believe that I will soon have a forth grader and a seventh grader.
Chase brought his yearbook home yesterday. As I was looking through it, I got right sick to my stomach. The seventh graders look like young men and women. My Chase still looks like a boy to me. As I looked at these kids, I realized that by fall Chase will, or possibly could have changed so much. I cannot believe how quickly these kids are growing up. It honestly seems like a few weeks ago when they were slumped over in their car seats sleeping and drooling everywhere. (Okay, they still drool, but you get the picture.)
On a different note, the pool has opened. This seems to mark the summer season for me. I could sit by the pool all day...if the kids would not start with the whole, "I am bored." or "I am hungry, what's for lunch?" I love sitting in the sun. I am not much on getting in the pool, unless I am so hot I cannot stand it any longer. In that case I wait until adult swim and jump in since if I don't I seem to be a magnet to my children, who seem to do nothing but hang on me and/or splash me. Don't like to be splashed, even if I am that so hard to understand?
Guess I have rambled on enough about nothing at all. I promise I will try to update a little more often. Maybe life will become a little more interesting once the urchins are released from school. ( I have a feeling once they are out, I will wish they were back in.)
Have a good one, chat soon.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Preparing for J's Big Day
Once again, it has been awhile since I was here. I don’t know what it is but I just have not wanted to be on the computer very much.
Mackenzie and I just got back from our seamstress’ house. Mackenzie and I are in a wedding in August. Mackenzie’s dress is a wee bit too big, like maybe she is a size 8 in a girls and the dress is a size 2 in a ladies. Wee bit big. I thought Sheila (the seamstress) was going to have a coronary when I told her what we needed. She used about 50 pins to make it fit her. She was relieved to know she had a couple of months to work on it.
I am so honored to be a part of this wedding. The bride is a very close friend, actually she is more like family. I have known J, the bride, since she was 3-4 years old. Her parents owned a skating rink, in which all teens at the time hung out. Sheldon and I was a couple of the teens that hung out there. J, was always running all around there winning the hearts of anyone she came in contact with. You couldn’t not fall for her and her chubby cheeks.
Over a few months Sheldon and I became very close to her parents. Her mom sort of took all of us teens under her wing and watched out for us. Her dad was a huge, okay, the reason Sheldon is what he is today. B, the dad, was the first person that believed in him.
As you can see this family became our family. We were with them all the time. In fact we all went to the beach together for my graduation, which is where Sheldon and I officially became a couple. (Before this we were just friends that flirted way too much and denied that we were anything more than friends.)
A fond memory that I have of J on that trip to the beach was one morning she came in and jumped up on my bed and leaned in close to wake me, my first words to her was “You smell like Doritos.” That child lived off Cool Ranch Doritos. Every other food she ate was dipped into ranch dressing.
I adored J so much. J adored us too, if I say so myself. She would get my name and Sheldon’s name mixed up all the time, so she just decided to call both of us “Mesheldon”.
We saw J go from a toddler, to a little girl, to a teenager, and now to a young lady. I have a picture of Sheldon standing with her at her preschool graduation and then again at her college graduation. She is now a first year teacher, teaching kindergarten, at a local school. I know that she is probably the most awesome teacher, with her kindness and love for children.
J was a junior bridesmaid at my wedding. (Her brother was a junior groomsman, and her father was the best man.) I remember just how adorable she looked. It almost makes me cry to think that in August my daughter will serve as a junior bridesmaid in J’s wedding. What an honor. If that isn’t enough, I will also be standing there as a bridesmaid too.
The wedding will be just gorgeous. J is getting married on the beach. The bridesmaid dresses are beautiful. J’s dress is more than perfect. It is absolutely gorgeous. Chase will be wearing white linen. I cannot wait to see all of this come together. I know it will be just as perfect as J.