Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WOW..Three Months Since the Last Post

Wowsers. Three months...as much as I love to write, it surprises me that I have taken a three month break from blogging.

My break started soon after I was laid off. I just did not seem to have much gumption to write. I am not sure, since being laid off was actually a positive thing, it isn't like I was devastated or such.

Anyway, I am still alive and kicking. We have had a spectacular summer. I have so enjoyed being home with them, hanging out. Since I haven't been tied down with a job, we had the opportunity to do a lot of fun, cool things.

We had a annual family vacation at the beach in June. My sister-in-law and niece joined us as they always do. We had great weather, which was really nice, of course. It was a great week.

We went to the lake a few afternoons to go tubing. The kids absolutely love riding on the tube. Granddaddy John absolutely loves taking them.

Another highlight was the Great Wolf Lodge mini-vacation. Boy the kids really had a blast there. It was such a relaxing trip for Sheldon and I since the kids could just go and we were able to just sit and have real adult conversation! We enjoyed the water activities too, but there was a lot of time that we were able to just chill.

Sheldon did some traveling alone this summer, once for business and once for fun. He went to a Homicide Convention...sounds like fun, huh? Most recently he went to the beach for four days on a guy weekend. He takes this trip every August, it is his recharge time.

Our highlight of the summer was the weekend of August 8. Our VERY dear friend got married at the beach. The wedding was spectacular. The weekend was so memorable. We had SUCH a good time. The ceremony was perfect. The kids and I were in the wedding, and boy did the kids look amazing. I just cannot express wow wonderful everything was. I have some great pictures. (They are posted on facebook.)

Well, now that I have gotten caught up on our summer, perhaps the next post will not be so scattered.