Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Quiet Game

Mackenzie just bet me that she could not say a word til tomorrow afternoon...we bet $15.00, if she accomplished this I would give her the money. She lasted less than 20 minutes and she was like a volcano right before it erupts.

The dog days of summer are coming to an end, school starts in just 21 days. The kids are bored out of their minds and I think going back to school will be welcomed. They are at each other every day, every minute too. They find anything to argue about. It is almost funny sometimes to listen to what they are arguing about.

I am ready for them to back in school, kind of, it has been nice to be so laid back this summer. But all good things must come to an end....


Cathy said...

Well, she gets an "A" for effort and you get to keep your $15! A win win situation ;)

Tired Mom of Six said...

I hear ya...there comes a time when school has to start. ;)

Jenn said...

20 minutes??? Of quiet???
Dude I'd pay 15$ for that! :p

School can not come fast enough for me. 24 days and counting....