Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh No You Did Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today has been...well a day. I worked this morning, actually until 2pm. I had to leave early to take Chase to the doctor for a "required" immunization he needed for middle school.

When I picked him up, the minute I saw him I could tell that something was wrong. He had that "look". I finally got him to talk to me, only to find out that a teacher, a new teacher, she had started on Monday of this week, had upset him, telling him that he had to re-do a whole assignment...because he did not write his name on the paper. He made a 90 on the assignment, but she was making him do this over his weekend. Now, I believe in punishment for things that my kids deserve punishment on. What I don't believe in is calling a child, a child that has freaking severe anxiety out in class. I could not get the entire scope on the situation so I called her. She is out there. Seriously. I made sure that I was not accusing, AT ALL. Chase is the kind of child that you can just talk to him and he can be heart broken. You just cannot be harsh on him. He also learns from his mistakes, by God, he is all about pleasing someone. He certainly is not going to do anything that will make an elder upset with him.

A lot was said...back and forth, , but I got really upset when I told her that Sheldon and I were very involved in Chase's education. (Most teachers have appreciated this about us.) I explained that this was the first week that Chase has not vomited every morning, had started eating again, and seemed a little more at ease.

THIS lady had the nerve to tell me that her son had anxiety disorder and OCD. She then told me that she had always thought she was helping him by being involved, but now he is 22 and she can tell that she really did not help him. She said I might want to think about this. I was furious. MY SON IS 11. I will be involved, and I will protect him right now. I will stay involved as long as he needs me to be. I know that I can not hoover over him forever, but he is still a child. I don't care if he is in middle school, he is still just a child.

I immediately called his EC teacher and vented. She is such a sweet lady. Chase loves her. She is the perfect liaison for him. She is in most of his classes with him, (and other kids that have learning disabilities) and she helps him when he does not quite understand. I truly believe that she has been a huge reason he has relaxed some. She totally agreed that this teacher was not considering his IEP. (Which by the way, I asked THIS teacher if she had even read the IEP, her answer was that she had read a lot, she did not know if she read his or not!! HELLO? Wrong answer! She could have at least lied and said yes she had read it.) Mrs B, the EC teacher was going to have a chit chat with THIS teacher on Monday morning. Mrs B commented on the fact that if Chase go anxious about something, he did not just get over it, he would think about it all day, so how could he focus? Chase has her early in the day, and I picked him up at 2:15 and he was a mess. I will not allow her to ruin Chase's 6th grade experience.

On a happier note, Mrs B told me that she just loved Chase, that he was such a good child and she really enjoyed working with him. She continued to tell me little stories about him and just how he brightens her day. That is my boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry hun. So sorry. Its so hard when you feel your child is being unjustly treated. Its not cool at all and breaks your heart. I am going through something in the same vein and its wicked ridiculous.
I am glad that Chase has a cheerleader on his side in the other teacher. Just keep being you and being his mother. He is blessed to have you.