Friday, November 21, 2008

News at the Perkins House

Hi Readers!!! It has been a busy week. Well, now that I think about it, not so busy, just a little stressed.

My work has been a bit busy this week, probably because I had to be at a meeting on Monday morning, preventing me to getting to my office until close to 11:00am. Then on Wednesday we had training for our new computer system. I will not even get on that subject, I have enough praying to do for all the ugly words I said Wednesday afternoon and yesterday morning, trying to work with it.

Sheldon and I have had a lot of heart to heart talks this week. I life is about to change once again...(and for all of you that are on the edge of your seat wondering if that means we are going to have another baby...HA HA). Sheldon was approached and asked to consider a new job. He was asked on Tuesday mid-day, and was asked to give his decision on Wednesday. We did not sleep any on Tuesday night.

Sheldon accepted the job. He will now be over the Juvenile Crime Investigations at the DPD. It will be a tough job and has some pretty hard jobs he will have to carry out. I have no doubt he can handle it, but I, and he knows that there will be times that it will be very emotional days.

Everyday he makes me proud. He has really worked his way up in the police department. It is a big deal when you are approached for a job as big as this.

The job has its perks as well. He will stop the rotation schedule, and go back to the 9-5 (even though it is more like 9-6/7pm, for a while at least. He should be home every weekend, unless there is a case that evolves that he would need to be there. The other perk is he will have a take home car, which will certainly help with our gas expenses. He will not have to be in uniform everyday, instead he will be all dressed up, looking very handsome if I say so myself.

Well, that is a quick catch up, I am sure I will think of more and will be back here this weekend.

Happy Friday.


Anonymous said...

Well done to Sheldon. Hope that he likes his new job!!

Tired Mom of Six said...

Hoooray Sheldon! What a wonderful accomplishment :)

Cathy said...

Congrats Sheldon!

Michelle, I was able to feel your pride reading your blog!
