Monday, December 1, 2008

Excitement Starts to Build

Thanksgiving was great here in the Perkins house. We had lots and lots of food. And then lots more. The menu began with a few items, then somehow I cooked this and that, and a little bit of really was out of hand.

We had: Turkey, Ham, Deviled Eggs, Potato Salad, Macaroni and Cheese, Lima Beans, Corn, Turnip Greens, Sweet Potato Casserole, Dressing, Gravy, Squash, Rolls, Peanut Butter Pie, Chocolate Pie, Pumpkin Mousse Pie, and Rice Crispy Treats for the kids.

All this food for...ready? It was for 5 adults, 3 kids. Sheldon was at work, but I did take some food to him and his guys at the Police Department. Can I just say...left overs for days. I am tired of left overs. We had Spaghetti yesterday at D2's for supper. That was the best spaghetti ever, what a different taste than 3 day old turkey.

I shopped all day on Friday. When I say all day, I mean that I left home at 3am, and I returned home at 4pm. I loved it. I love the crowds, I love the fight of the last one, I love getting up and standing in a line at a store that I don't even need anything from, I love spending the day with my sister in law and my niece. I just love it.

I put my tree up on Saturday. This has to be the earliest I have done this in many years. My kids are driving me crazy. I think I liked it better when they could not read the names on the gifts. I put 4 gifts under the tree that have their names on them, Lord Jesus, they have begged and begged to open them now.

I do like the fact that now that we are decorated, it has sparked the excitement of Christmas with them. They are planning where they will sleep Christmas night, they cannot seem to understand why I will not let them sleep on the couch by the tree...(it is hard enough sneaking the gifts in as it is) They are asking what I told Santa to get them, they are revising their list, it is just fun. I like being the mommy and hearing all these excited questions, and remember asking the same things.

I am pretty certain that Chase knows there is no Santa, but he is doing a really good job of playing along. Mac still whole heatedly believes, however, as smart as she is, I would guess this could be our last Christmas with her believing. This makes me sad, but I guess that is just the way it works.

The joy in the kids eyes has to be my favorite part of Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

It's the most wonderful time of the year :)

I love love love this and loved reading your blog about it. I'm so glad mine aren't the only ones under the tree and begging.

Sleep on the couch??? Are they insane?????