Monday, September 8, 2008

5...6...7...8----Dear Lord Jesus

This weekend, Mackenzie, in her own world, became a dance teacher. A very loud one at that. And bossy! I know she is imitating her own dance teacher to a point, but Miss L, she is very patient with the class and always so sweet. I think Miss L could teach a very uncoordinated person, such as myself to dance, with a smile on her face too.

Miss Mackenzie, however, I don't want to take class from her, and no one can make me! She claps her hands at her imaginary class, she stomps her feet when they just don't get the steps, she makes them repeat over and over, then she says things like, "Do you think we can add on now?" Very condescending I might add. Those little imaginary dancers, they must feel like losers.

Apparently she is teaching a class where the students have hearing problems, since she yells these commands to them, she claps very loudly to every beat she is counting off. I am not sure but I think she is teaching lyrical. I did not ask. I was scared to ask.

As exhausted as I am from hearing this "class" take place 24/7, I am thrilled to see her excited about dance. Mackenzie does not show emotion very well. She believes that nonchalant is the way to go. We see happy from her, but that is about as far as it goes.

If anyone is interested in learning to dance, I know just the place. However, you should remember this is a hard core, unsympathetic teacher, and be ready to hear "5...6...7...8, a million and two times.


Tired Mom of Six said...

LOL Gotta love a girl with spunk! I'll send my kids on down :)


rachel said...

Oh my gosh, that is freaking hilarious! And so cute (though I'm sure less cute to you, who has to deal with it)!

I can just hear the 5,6,7,8 now!