Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hmmmm....I Don't Feel So Well....

Oh my. Oh me. Oh goodness. Ohhhhhhhhhh!

I have a tummy ache. I have a tummy ache like you got when you were a child and ate way too much junk food, I have the kind of tummy ache you get from hiding in your pantry and eating ALL the oreos. I have the kind of tummy ache you get when you are so busy all day long and you don't eat any "real" food, and then you eat enormous amounts of cake, cake balls, more cake, chocolate pretzels, more cake, (there was three layers, all different flavors...I could not be rude and discriminate, I HAD to eat some of all of them).A few additional things just lying around, everywhere I looked, (and for the record, this was special food, if you listened really hard, you could hear it talking...very quietly but was saying, "Michelle, eat me, eat me." or "Michelle, put me on your plate, please". These additional things were stuff like chips, dip, veggie tray, taco dip with tortilla chips, chili dip with tortilla chips, bowls or m&ms, skittles, sour skittles, m&m's with peanuts, chocolate cover oreos...oh my!

There was what I refer to as "real food" there too. What a spread. Stuffed meatballs, baked ziti, chicken wings, pasta salad...and cause my friend likes me...cold Pepsi.

The dilemma: Eat a big amounts of "real food" since it is much healthier, or eat a bite of everything in the "real food" category and dive into the "junk food" head first. I chose the second choice.
I found myself eating the entire time I was there. I gained like 17 pounds. No lie.

The wonderful host of this said party even let me bring home a ginormous slice of lemon cake, and 4, count them...4, cakeballs.

UGGG, I feel miserable, guess I need to sign off, go eat my midnight snack...and go to bed, I am tired.

And if you are wondering, the answer is yes. I am having cake, more cake for my bedtime snack. That's not odd is it?


Cathy said...

Um...the food is talking to you? Did you do some bad shrooms?

I'll help you. Hand over all the talking food. I will take care of it while you nurse that belly ache!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a delightful meal. I like it :)

Michelle-Ann said...

I can ALWAYS count on Cathy to help!

No bad lets not talk about the jello....who am I kidding, I had one. Maybe my pepsi was spiked!!!!!

Tired Mom of Six said...

Ok, is it wrong that I am SO freakin' envious of that darn lemon cake and ORGASM BALLS, er, sorry, I mean cake balls? Is it wrong that like I am ready to drive to NC just to take them from you and stuff them into my own greedy mouth? (sounds like Cake Porn, doesn't it?)

Sorry you have a tummy should have shared! :oP

rachel said...

I have that same belly ache right now, Michelle. Just ate a huge bowl of ice cream and doritos. Oh, and don't forget the diet coke. It felt so good going down! Now I'm not so sure. ;)

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

nope. not odd atall :) Glad you had a good time and hope your tummy's feeling better!