Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I am alive, I lived through the parasailing. It was a real experience.

I am pretty exhausted, so I will save the story for tomorrow, but I wanted to at least log on and tell my friends that I am alive...before Cathy came and claimed my bling bling rainbows!!! And after the windy trip in the air, way way high in the sky, I really need my hair products....really bad....

So, night night for now, watch out for the bed bugs...


Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

So cool! You ROCK!

Tired Mom of Six said...

I knew you'd make it. :oD Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

That looks wicked cool!

Cathy said...

You are my hero!
You can keep your rainbow bling bling and we get to keep you!